My Child Lebensborn is a unique simulation game from Sarepta Studio. You adopt a young Lebensborn child in Norway after WW2, but parenting will be hard as your child grows up in a hostile and hateful environment. Discover how hatred of our enemies continues to create victims, even after victory.
Discover their past and support them in the present. You must balance your time and resources to provide for your child. You will find answers to the hard questions; about their history, the hatred, bullying and the passing of blame.
Explore a gripping storyline based upon true events. Look for the effects of your choices in your child’s expressions and body language. Influence the child’s feelings, personality and worldview through your choices. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
- My Child Lebensborn Walkthrough and Guide Part 1 to 4
- My Child Lebensborn Walkthrough and Guide Part 5 to 8
- My Child Lebensborn Walkthrough and Guide Part 9 to 12
- My Child Lebensborn Walkthrough and Guide Part 13 to 16