Tsuki Adventure is a unique adventure game by HyberBeard Games. Tsuki is a lonely rabbit, who has a stressful job and a thankless boss. One day he received a plain letter from his grandfather, everything changed for him. The grandfather had passed away, leaving Tsuki the family carrot farm in rustic Mushroom Village. Tsuki is surely to have a new beginning.
Tsuki quickly comes to appreciate the simple things in the countryside, away from all the noise and stress of a former life. Every moment is precious, go try fishing with Yori the fox, reading books with Chi the giraffe, or sampling the most delicious bowl of ramen made by Bobo the panda. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 1:
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 2:
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 3:
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 4:
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 5:
Tsuki Adventure Walkthrough Part 6: