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Adventure Escape Mysteries Framed Walkthrough – Chapter 7

Return to the security office and check the vandalized painting. Tap on the door to see a strange lock puzzle, where the goal is to turn all pieces green. The right arrow rotates the piece two spaces clockwise, and the left arrow rotates the piece three spaces counter-clockwise. To solve it, press the following sequence: Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right. The door should unlock.

Go inside the office. Open both drawers to collect the utility knife blade and a clear plastic bag. Attach the blade to the utility knife on the desk, then take the knife.

Use the knife to cut a piece from the painting. Place the clear plastic bag over the sample and pick it up.

Head back toward Sylvia’s office. The lock on the closet has been updated. Check the clock, which reads 9:36. Since the lock requires 24-hour time format and it’s nighttime, try entering 2136. The closet will unlock. Take the flashlight, then go through the left door.

Open the drawer to take an evidence container, then proceed through the next door.

Open the box on the left side of the room to get another evidence container, then return to the hallway.

Enter the art room. Pick up the paint scraper and use it to scrape off some dried blood on the floor, placing the sample in an evidence container.

Use the flashlight to illuminate the secret passage and go downstairs.

Use the paint scraper here to collect three more samples related to Lansky into the same evidence container, then return upstairs.

Go back to the crime scene and use the scraper with a second evidence container to gather a fresh blood sample.

Finally, find the machine used for testing samples. Insert both evidence containers and the painting sample into the machine to start the Purification Puzzle. For this puzzle, arrange filters to sort the molecules correctly into separate beakers. Each filter directs specific molecules to the left or right, based on type and size. Drag and place each filter, tap to remove if needed, and press the Filter button at the top when ready to purify the samples. The gray bars indicate the quantity of molecules, and the colored rings represent molecule sizes. You can refer to the solution below for guidance.